15 Tips for Beating Laziness

15 Tips for Beating Laziness


Beating laziness is a necessary part of getting things done. Laziness can have a variety of causes. In most cases, the task that needs to be completed isn’t enjoyable. Or you lack inspiration. Mowing the grass when it’s 90 degrees outside is a good example of both.

Dealing with laziness is an important self-management skill. Getting things done when you don’t feel like doing them is practically a superpower. You’re unstoppable.

Beat laziness and accomplish more each day:

  1. Take frequent, short breaks. Tell yourself that you’ll work for 25 minutes and then take a quick break. Focus with all your might for those 25 minutes, and then relax for five.
  2. Be tough with yourself. Getting started requires the most willpower. Once you’ve gotten started, it’s easy to keep going. Grind your way through the first few minutes and then use the momentum to your advantage.
  3. Stand up straight. Slouching and laziness go together. Stand up tall and straight. You’ll feel better and more motivated.
  4. Monitor your inner dialog. Say positive things about the task at hand. Negative talk will stall your progress.
  5. Stop thinking about it. When you think about doing an undesirable task, you feel uncomfortable. That’s the reason you won’t do it. So, don’t think about it. Keep your mind on something else and get started.
  6. Keep it short and intense. Change your physiology, and your thoughts will change, too.
  7. Use a timer. See how long it takes you to complete the task. Make a game out of it. Another option is to set a timer for five minutes and see if you can perform the task for those five minutes without having even one negative thought. Timers are great for increasing focus.
  8. Get rid of the distractions. Get away from the TV and lock your cell phone in your desk.
  9. Keep your mind on a single task. Ironically, when you have a lot to do, it can be hard to do anything at all. Keep your mind on one task and forget about the rest. When this task is complete, the others will still be there.
  10. Think about how great you’ll feel when you’re done. Thinking about how dreadful the task will be is the best way to ensure that you won’t do it anytime soon.
  11. Be proud of getting your tasks completed. Most of us hate performing a task, and then feel neutral about getting it done. Get excited about completing these annoying tasks. Give yourself a pat on the back when they’re completed.
  12. Start with something easy. When faced with several things you don’t want to do, start with the quickest and easiest. The sense of accomplishment will keep you going.
  13. Make a to-do list. Cross the items off as they’re completed and enjoy the progress you’re making. There’s something satisfying about marking items off a list.
  14. Consider the benefits of the task. Will you get to keep your job? Get a date? Have a freshly manicured lawn? Consider the benefits of the activity. Focus on these benefits and get started before your attention drifts.
  15. Plan a reward at the end of the day. If you get everything completed, do something enjoyable. Meet a friend for dinner or rent a movie.

Laziness is a common dilemma. It occurs when the motivation to do a task is insufficient. There are several causes for this, but the cause isn’t important. Choose a few workable strategies to get you going and put them into action. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at your results.

This is how mental illness can be beaten. You must have displine in your life.

The Surprising Link Between Sleep and Dehydration

The Surprising Link Between Sleep and Dehydration


You probably know that you need adequate sleep and hydration to stay healthy. However, you may not realize how closely the two are connected.

Adults who sleep 6 hours or less each night are up to 59% more likely to be dehydrated, compared to those who get a full 8 hours of sleep. That’s according to a recent study by Pennsylvania State University.

Researchers believe one underlying cause is vasopressin. This hormone maintains your water balance and rises during the later stages of sleep. If you miss those hours, your kidneys won’t retain enough fluid.

This is just one example of how fluid intake and sleep affect each other. Find out more about daily habits that can help protect your mental and physical wellbeing.

Sleep Habits:

  1. Schedule sleep. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day is one of the most effective ways to increase the quality and quantity of your sleep. You’ll lower your risk for insomnia and dehydration by strengthening your body’s natural rhythms.
  2. Practice nasal breathing. The average adult loses about 1 liter of fluid each night. You can dramatically lower that amount by breathing through your nose instead of your mouth. Lying on your back with your head slightly elevated will help.
  3. Cool off. A hot bedroom also contributes to moisture loss, so turn your thermostat down. As a bonus, you’ll save on energy and probably fall asleep faster.

Hydration Habits:

  1. Spread out your intake. Aim to drink about an ounce of water for each pound of body weight. It’s easier if you sip throughout the day. Foods like celery, strawberries, and tomatoes count too.
  2. Drink water first. Start the day with a big glass of water. It will help to make up for some of the fluid you lost overnight.
  3. Postpone coffee. That glass of water will probably wake you up just as well as your usual cup of coffee, so you can save your latte for later. Excessive caffeine may interfere with your sleep, especially if you continue consuming it after about 2 pm.
  4. Rehydrate after workouts. Water is usually sufficient for replacing the fluids you lose at the gym. Sports drinks may be appropriate for very long and intense exercise but check the labels to see how much sugar and calories they contain.
  5. Limit alcohol. It’s the one beverage that actually dehydrates you. Drink responsibly and avoid any cocktails close to bedtime.
  6. Avoid sugar. Dehydration tends to make you crave sweets, but sugary beverages are more difficult for your body to absorb. Stick to plain or naturally flavored water, especially if you’re watching your weight.
  7. Use less salt. A diet high in sodium will increase your risk for dehydration. Processed foods and bread are two major sources, so eat them in moderation.

More Tips:

  1. Treat nocturia. If you make 3 or more trips to the bathroom each night, you may have a condition called nocturia or nighttime urination. Trying to control it by drinking less water can backfire because your urine becomes more concentrated. Seek medical care instead.
  2. Fight cramps. Stiff muscles are another physical symptom of dehydration that may keep you up at night. In addition to water, try daily stretching and massage.
  3. See your doctor. Your family physician can answer your personal questions about hydration, sleep, and other health issues. That may include the implications of any chronic conditions or medications that are concerns for you.

Increase your energy levels and enjoy greater health. Understanding the relationship between hydration and sleep can help you make daily choices that will enhance the quality of your life.

My Body Is Healthy, Whole, and Strong – Affirmations

My Body Is Healthy, Whole, and Strong - Affirmations


Are you experiencing anxiety about your health during these stressful times? Use these affirmations and start feeling better today. Read these affirmations throughout the day to relieve your health anxiety. Make sure to save or even print this page.

I am grateful that my body is healthy, whole, and strong.

  1. A healthy, whole, and strong body is a priority for me. I am grateful to have a healthy body. My life is better, fuller, and richer because health, diet, and fitness are my priorities. My body is getting healthier each day in every way.
  2. I strive to increase my overall health. I accomplish this by focusing on a nourishing diet and avoiding unwholesome habits. I have a healthy lifestyle that supports both my physical and emotional well-being.
  3. I get enough sleep each night to rejuvenate my mind and body and prepare them for the rigors of a new day.
  4. I exercise on a regular basis to build strength and endurance. I follow my regular workout schedule religiously. I enjoy working out and my fitness routine pleases me. I am usually free of injury because my body heals quickly and easily.
  5. My body is a gift that I care for to the best of my ability. I know that I only get one chance to take great care of my body, so I avoid damaging it.
  6. I see my physician regularly and whenever else it becomes necessary. I follow whatever advice I am given. I like and trust my physician. We have an excellent relationship. My physician is knowledgeable and he provides excellent medical care.
  7. Today, I am creating a body that is healthy in every way. I make healthy decisions that ensure my well-being and vitality. I am grateful that my body is healthy, whole, and strong. I feel truly blessed.

 Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Which of my health concerns still need to be addressed?
  2. What unhealthy habits can I change?
  3. How would my health change for the better if I made it more of a priority?

9 Healthy Steps to Help Cope With Anxiety

9 Healthy Steps to Help Cope With Anxiety


If you struggle with anxiety on a daily basis, you may find yourself using unhealthy methods, such as drug or alcohol abuse, to cope with it.

For obvious reasons, this is not the best approach, but what is?

Consider these strategies:

1. Deep breathing exercises. Many of us use our chests to breathe rather than the diaphragm, which is a large muscle found in your abdomen. When you breathe in, your stomach should expand and then contract when you breathe out.

  • Breathing with only your chest will cause you to have short and shallow breaths that can cause increased stress and anxiety.

2. Progressive muscle relaxation. This technique involves tensing your muscles and then relaxing them one at a time. When you do this you’re teaching your muscles that when you’re stressed, which often causes muscle tension, that you need to relax.

3. Mindfulness. This is a common technique to reduce anxiety. With mindfulness, you put your full attention on what you’re doing in that moment. You notice the sights, sounds, and smells around you. When your full focus is on the present moment, there isn’t room for feelings of anxiety.

4. Self-monitoring. What triggers your anxiety? It may be that certain people, events, or situations cause you to feel anxious. Once you figure out your triggers, you may be able to do something to prevent the oncoming anxiety.

5.Get support from others. It has been found time and time again that support from friends and family is incredibly important when dealing with anxiety. Having someone you trust that you can talk to can be helpful.

  • There are also therapists and various groups available full of like-minded people dealing with similar issues who may be able to help too.

6. Self-soothing strategies. While support from others is beneficial, sometimes you may find yourself alone. One self-soothing technique involves being positive and telling yourself that everything will be okay and that you can handle the situation.

7. Write down your thoughts and feelings. Rather than keeping how you feel inside to fester, it would be better for you to get these thoughts out of your mind and onto paper.

8. Distraction techniques. Sometimes focusing on your emotions can make them even stronger and leave you feeling more out of control of the situation. By using distraction, you’re taking your mind off your emotions, making them easier to manage.

  • You can do activities you love to distract yourself. A walk is commonly used as a distraction. So are puzzles. Anything you love.

9. Work towards a goal. Achieving a goal can be motivating and can help reduce both depression and anxiety.

  • Try using a technique called behavioral activation. Each time that you feel anxious, engage your mind in a positive and rewarding activity, such as working toward a goal.

These strategies can each help you to cope with anxiety. Some may work better for you than others. Some may work better in different situations. And some may not work for you. The key is to practice them and then try them out in anxious situations to see which ones work best for you.

I Commit to Personal Growth – Affirmations

I Commit to Personal Growth – Affirmations

I know it is important for me to be vigilant about improving my game. I stay consistent and persistent in achieving my goals. I stay on target.

I find ways to take my determination to new heights. I find positive people to keep me motivated. I relinquish outdated forms of motivation to get ahead of the game.

I recognize that in this New Game of Life, I need to be “all in”. I stay present with the trends and get out ahead of them. I take the reins of leadership in my hot little hands.

Just as in video games, where the players keep going up to higher levels, I keep my eye on the prize. My goals are within reach. I am positively motivated from within.

I read about the latest and greatest leaders in my field. I study what makes them tick. I try some of the same success strategies to see if they can work for me, too.

I use my time wisely. I make the most of every moment. I follow people who uplift me. I then, in turn, lift others.

In order to be a top performer in my field, I ensure that my body is in tip top shape. I eat foods that nourish my body and mind. My mind is sharp as a tack. I am on top of my game.

As I keep raising the bar for myself, I become a peak performer.

I rise to every occasion. I surprise myself with my incredible stamina. I am determined. I am strong-willed. I have everything it takes to do better than my previous best.

Today, I am proof that personal growth is a life-long legacy.

Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What is one step I can take today to personally grow?
  2. What books can I read to help me grow?
  3. How can my legacy inspire others?

7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Home Today

7 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Home Today


The baby’s crying while you hurriedly put the fast food on the table, the dog is throwing up on the floor, the hubby’s got the TV on full-blast, and your teenager just angrily slammed the door on his way out.

Unfortunately, it’s a typical scene for many of us. However, the good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. There are, in fact, things you can do to ease this stress and create a more harmonious environment so that you and your family can look forward to coming home!

Although some degree of stress is inherent as you deal with the varying phases of your family members, if you strive to uphold a core set of values and go with the flow, you can maintain a happy and healthy home.

Here are some specific ways you can reduce the stress at home:

  1. Get organized. Life can quickly become chaotic when you don’t maintain organization. An organized home runs smoothly, while an unorganized home leads to stress and lost time.
  • A good tip is to start small with your organization efforts. Start with one room or even a portion of a room. The idea is to think of it as a series of small projects instead of one overwhelmingly huge one.
  1. Your family will certainly benefit from actively working on communication skills. When you fail to communicate effectively, you may not get what you want and can even cause upsetting misunderstandings. Working on communication will allow all family members to feel loved and appreciated and help the household run efficiently.
  2. Eat dinner together. Everyone in your family likely has a busy life of their own. It’s easy to suddenly realize that you have no idea what’s going on with your spouse or child. When you make it a point to eat dinner together every night, you make time to connect with your family. You’ll learn how to work as one even with busy lifestyles.

  3. Have fun together. It’s important to schedule time to have fun together as a family, even if these times can’t be as often as you’d like. Schedule family nights in advance and allow each family member a chance to pick that evening’s activity.
  4. Show unconditional love. Be sure to practice the art of unconditional love with your family. This leads to secure attachments and will ultimately keep everyone in your family happy and stress-free.
  • Children and parents alike need to know that, when they make mistakes, they have a loving family that will back them up and forgive them.
  1. Give support. Go out of your way for your family members. It might not be an ideal Friday night to go to your daughter’s art show, but just think of how they’ll feel when they see that they have your love and support. Actively express your support by really being there for your family – no matter what. Just thinking about how much you love them is not enough!
  2. Family rules. Having a set of family rules will help with organization and allow everyone to know what’s expected of them.
  • Schedule a family meeting to establish the house rules. Make sure everyone has a chance to participate and share his or her concerns. You’ll likely find a compromise that allows everyone to be happy.

A happy and stress free home is one built on love. Don’t be too hard on yourself and others, and you’ll have the basis for creating an excellent home life.

I Am Courageous and Overcome My Fears – Affirmations

I Am Courageous and Overcome My Fears

Use these affirmations and start beating your fears.

  1. Like everyone, I have fears. However, I am able to deal with my fear and anxiety effectively. I pride myself on being able to look fear in the eye and take action.
  2. I refuse to allow fear to rule my life. I actively pursue my goals and overcome any fear that stands in my way.
  3. When I am afraid, I know that something worthwhile lies on the other side of that fear. My courage and curiosity can overpower any fear I might have.
  4. The more courageous I am willing to be, the more my life expands. I view any fear as a challenge that tests my courage. I welcome fear. I welcome the challenge.
  5. Each fear I overcome makes me more resistant to fear. Each fear I overcome allows me to successfully deal with even larger fears in the future.
  6. I know that change and fear often travel together. When I want to make a positive change in my life, I know that fear must be overcome. I have the courage to make positive changes to my life. I have the courage to manage negative changes, too.
  7. Today, I face my fears head on. I am ready to take action and to change my life for the better. I am courageous and overcome my fears.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is the most significant fear in my life? How does the fear limit me?
2. What are some fears I have successfully overcome in the past?
3. Who is the most courageous person I know? What makes them courageous?

Do You Really Want to Change? Do You?…

Do You Really Want to Change


Believe it or not, it is not only possible, but quite common for someone to consciously convince themselves that they want change in their life, but subconsciously put all their effort into keeping everything exactly the same as it is right now.

They even go through all the motions of starting a new project, enlist help, buying software, having a website built, creating all kinds of marketing text and tools, only to consistently find some insurmountable challenge when it gets close to a start date that prevents them from following through.

Why would anyone do that?


Fear is the prime reason that most people don’t follow through.

Fear of what?

  • Fear of success
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of what others might think, say, or do
  • Or all of the above

They are unhappy, unmotivated, and unfulfilled. They know exactly what they need to do, but never manage to get it done. They are often solitary individuals who have lots of friends and contacts, but, in reality, they live their life almost entirely in their own heads.

This vicious circle of starting and then stopping, over and over again, can cause them to have low confidence, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression, which reinforces their overwhelming desire to keep everything the same, no matter how good a new future might look.

Does this scenario describe you? If so, what can you do about it?

Is There a Solution?

One of the best ways to break this pattern is to help someone less fortunate than yourself. Perhaps try charitable work or something similar, where people depend on your help, energy, and support, and you know it.

In this charitable work, consider how you have a responsibility to others where you cannot possibly let down those who depend on you. That way, you are not working for your own personal rewards, but for someone who cannot possibly fulfill their ambitions on their own.

The feeling you get from helping others is so strong, so compelling, that your personal anxiety diminishes and your self-esteem rises in direct proportion to each other.

You’ll enjoy strong feelings of accomplishment and, in turn, fulfillment. You’ll find yourself in a place of happiness that you’ve never experienced before, and you really like it.

Make a Decision and Take Action

Through practical experience, you’ll come to realize that when you make a decision and take action, you move forward. You’ll recognize that you only have one life, and you can live it best and most fully by making decisions and taking action.

You’ll also acknowledge that doing things for someone else allows you to fully engage your talents in a way that you could never have experienced while just working for yourself.

When you find purpose in all that you do, you will also realize that the fear evaporated long ago, and now you can actually feel a sense of pride in your work that was never there before.

Through helping others, you’ll come to understand that it doesn’t even matter if you make a wrong decision or take a wrong action. You can always make another decision and take another action and correct it.

The most important thing is that you keep making decisions and taking action. It’s the only way to effect change in anything.

The biggest changes will be the ones you experience yourself, but it may still take others to point them out. You are so talented, and you have no idea how gifted you really are, until you see other peoples’ lives improved because of your actions.

That’s when you’ll get to see your true, authentic self show up in your smile as you look forward to finally being able to start creating the future you desire.

Your Ego – What’s Fear Got to Do With It

Your Ego – What’s Fear Got to Do With It


Are you aware that your ego loves fear? In fact, it thrives on fear, stress, and anxiety. However, holding on to fear prevents you from growing as a person and finding true happiness.

But it’s not your ego’s fault. It’s just trying to protect you!

So what’s a person to do?

Learn more about this surprising revelation:

1. What is the ego? The ego is part of your being. It reacts to the outside world and shapes how you see it. Your ego controls how you view yourself in relation to others. However, it’s important to note that you can master this.

2. Notice the ego self-talk. The self-talk can be both positive and negative.

  • * You may see the ego come through in statements such as I’m not good enough or smart enough. On the other hand, you may see it in thoughts such as I’m perfect, capable, or beautiful.
  • The ego uses “I” and “me” in these self-talk conversations.

3. Pay attention to fear. Since the ego is connected to the outside world and how you view yourself, fear is a prominent part. You may be afraid to look foolish. You may be scared to do something new. You may fear talking to others.

  • Your ego is fragile, so it can get hurt easily. For example, someone may say something that hurts your feelings. You immediately shut down and don’t want to talk to this person again. This is your ego in action. You’re hurt and scared of hearing them say something negative again.
  • It’s beneficial to recognize the fear, learn to adjust it, and work through it.

4. Understand psychological fear. In some situations, fear is necessary and can preserve you. However, the fear that comes from your ego is psychological and not necessary.

  • Fear of the unknown or being in a dark alley is normal. This is your gut trying to save you from a dangerous situation.
  • On the other hand, fear of talking to a safe crowd at a conference is your ego talking. Psychological fear can be damaging, intrusive, and distracting. It can lead to anger and resentment.

5. Recognize fear and worry. Fear and worry often appear together. Fear can lead you to anxiety. The two are linked, so it’s hard to separate them.

* However, if you recognize that worry is the real issue, then fear won’t have a chance to take over. You can control how much you worry, so fear doesn’t have a chance to stop you.

6. Learn to be present. By learning to be present and observing your fear from a distance, you can control it. Awareness is the key to conquering fear created by the ego. Once you’re aware of how your ego is creating fear and anxiety, then you can observe it and learn to shape it.

  • You have the power to stop the fear in your mind. It’s important to remember that all the negative scenarios in your head don’t have to happen in real life. They can stay as imaginary issues. They may never materialize or cause you heartache.

Fear doesn’t have to take over your life. You can learn to master it and be happy.

I Am the Hero of My Own Journey – Affirmations

I Am the Hero of My Own Journey - Affirmations

Use these affirmations to become the hero of your journey.

I am the hero of my own journey.

I am grateful for the knowledge of the Hero’s Journey. I am truly blessed to have education around this model. Now that I am armed with this information, I can go on a conscious life quest.

I realize that I have been on my journey my whole life. Now I can look back and see the blessings of all lessons along the way.

I forgive myself for mistakes in the past. I realize they were only “missteps.”

Even though I have gotten stuck in the mire in those swamps of the past, I am proof now that I can survive anything. I am tough.

I have ventured into the dark night of the Soul and lived to see the light.

I have gone into scary caves and found the treasure trove of digging deep into my spirit and finding strength I didn’t know I had.

Having gone through tough times, I have come out triumphant.

Now that I am a Conscious Hero of my life, I can choose my path from a place of wisdom.

I check in with my heart first, as it is the compass of my Soul. I set my sight on my North Star and with the determination of a racehorse, I move swiftly toward my goal. I am immune to distractions.

Today, I gain wisdom and strength along my journey and share the boon with my fellow travelers.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What can I do today to be conscious of my hero’s quest?
  2. How can I turn the travails of my life into treasures?
  3. Who do I want as my trusted companions on my journey?