5 Steps to Overcome the Fear of Success

5 Steps to Overcome the Fear of Your Success


Would you say you have a fear of success?

Most people do not understand that they fear their own success. Because they are comfortable with their situations, and rarely want to change their lives. We might not even like it, but it is comfortable.

We know what to expect daily and we might even be unhappy with ourselves, but we know we can deal with it.

Most people don’t like change. They also don’t like the prospect of failing or of even standing out.

How to identify fear of success:

  • Do you consistently ruminate or even make plans for your life and fail to follow through on them? Whether you want to start a business, read a book, or hit the gym five days a week, you just can’t seem to make it happen.
  • Do you finish all your projects or leave them uncompleted? This includes at work and in your personal life.
  • Do you take action or are you all talk?
  • Do you struggle to make decisions?
  • Does your life ever change for the better?
  • Do you self-sabotage yourself, especially when you’re nearing success?

This most-likely describes most of the people you know.
Does it describe you accurately?

Start utilizing these simple strategies to defeat your fear of success and make real changes in your life:

1. Imagine being ultra-successful. Imagine yourself being even more successful than you want to be. If your goal is to make $100,000 per year, imagine making $1 million. If you want to lose 25 pounds, imagine getting lean enough that you can see your abs. Do this each night and morning in bed.

  • Make the visualization as vivid as possible. Include all of your senses. When it feels uncomfortable, stick with it and just relax.
  • It will feel natural, in time. When this happens, achieving your goal will be much easier than you could ever imagine.

2. Practice standing out. Many of us fear success because we don’t want to stand out in any way. Fear crept in along the way, and you were self-taught o even decided that it’s better to keep our head down than to be noticed.

  • Every day there are a variety of ways you can practice standing out in your life. You can change your style. You might even put on a pair of green shoes and walk around the mall. Or you could wear your classy outfits to the store.
  • You could go out in public with your hair disheveled.
  • You can do something in public that you’re either really good or really bad at, like bowling. 

3. Reframe failure. Fear of success might actually be a fear of failure. Keep in mind that failure is just an undesired result. It says nothing about you. It simply means that you need more practice, more time, or a better approach. When you can view failure in this manner, there’s nothing to fear.

4. Instead of thought focus on action. We can’t fear success if we don’t think. If you need to send 100 cold emails to find clients for your business, just sit down and get busy. The longer you think about it, the harder it becomes. Just decide and take action.

5. Have a real vision for the future. Enough motivation can overcome any fear. Create a possible future in your mind that is worth overcoming any obstacle. Fear doesn’t matter if you have a very compelling future in mind.

Do you fear success? It seems counterintuitive to fear success, but it’s a common obstacle to making sustained progress in life. Success brings attention, the unknown, and the possibility of failure.

Create a vision for the future that will pull you through any fears you might have. Learn to deal with discomfort. Remember, you only have one life to live. Avoid allowing fear to limit your life.

9 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack

9 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack


A panic attack can feel terrifying. Those that suffer panic attacks often feel as if they’re going to die. While highly unpleasant, panic attacks are harmless. A panic attack is something you created. So, you also have the power to lessen and eliminate the attack. If panic attacks are controlling your life, you can regain that control.

Stop a panic attack quickly and effectively with these techniques:

  1. Remind yourself that you’re going to be okay. Your body chemistry is slightly off-kilter when you experience a panic attack. Panicking will only intensify the attack. The sooner you can relax, the more quickly the attack will pass.

  2. Focus on deep breathing. Breathing is the only part of human physiology over which we have complete control. Anytime you’re awake, you can choose to breathe faster, slower, deeper, shallower, or hold your breath. Control what you can control.
  • Slow, deep breathing will slow your heartrate, and you’ll begin to feel better.
  1. Get a massage. This might not always be practical, but get someone to rub your neck and shoulders. Most importantly, massage your scalp. You can even do this yourself. Massaging your scalp will move a greater volume of blood through your brain and will help to relax the muscles of your head and neck.
  • The effects of a massage can last for days. Try to get a massage regularly. Even a family member can perform the service if the cost of a professional massage is too high.
  1. Use your imagination. Imagine something pleasant and relaxing. It might be hard to think of something positive in the moment, so have a few ideas before a panic attack strikes.
  2. Get moving. Movement will help to eliminate the chemicals that are creating the feeling of panic. If you’re in a place that makes jazzercising impractical, roll your head, wrists and ankles. You could also do a few rounds on the company stairwell. Everyone else is using the elevator anyway.

  3. Warm your hands. Have you ever noticed that your hands get cold when you’re stressed? Warming your hands can help reverse the biochemical storm happening in your body during a panic attack. Run warm water over your hands or hold a cup of warm coffee in your hands.
  4. Listen to music that relaxes you. Few things can change your mood and biochemistry faster than the right music. Create a song list of at least 10 songs that you find comforting and relaxing. Begin listening to your music as soon as a panic attack begins. Take slow, deep breaths.
  5. Get some magnesium. Magnesium has a profound calming effect on the body. Take a magnesium supplement. Dark chocolate contains high levels of magnesium and is more fun than swallowing a pill. An Epsom salt bath will also cause your body to absorb high levels of magnesium.
  6. Be proactive. If you suffer a panic attack, you were already stressed about something. Calming yourself before the panic attack is much more practical than waiting until you’re having a crisis. Take control before you lose control.

Panic attacks are frightening and uncomfortable. The symptoms can include: pounding heart, sweating, shaking arms and legs, and difficulty breathing. You can control your panic attacks and return to a normal physiology. Do your best to prevent panic attacks from occurring in the first place. If a panic attack does strike, use these strategies to help subdue it.

5 Tips for Conquering Your Fear of Public Speaking

5 Tips for Conquering Your Fear of Public Speaking


Many studies have found that a fear of public speaking is the number one fear of people in North America. Even the fear of death comes in second behind public speaking.

For some, this fear is something they just have to work through. Maybe they can give the occasional presentation, but it’s an incredibly tense and difficult experience. For many, the fear of public speaking is so great that it has a significant impact on their lives.

Some people will avoid taking certain classes in college to avoid public speaking. Many choose a career path that doesn’t involve getting up in front of a group.

If your fear of public speaking is so great that it results in avoidance and affects the choices you make in your life, it may be time to find a strategy to overcome it.

Implement these tips and begin conquering your fear of public speaking:

  1. Start small. When it comes to public speaking, the bigger the crowd the bigger the fear. If you practice speaking in front of a small group of friends and family, it can help you build the confidence you need to speak in front of larger groups.

  2. Preparation is key. Do you fear public speaking because you’re afraid you’ll forget what you want to say and look foolish? Ensure that doesn’t happen by being prepared
  • Before your speech or presentation, organize all of the information you want to cover. This may include creating a PowerPoint presentation or other visual aids in addition to your prepared speech.
  • Spend some time practicing. By rehearsing, you can ensure you include everything you want to talk about, avoid forgetting any important points, and become more comfortable.

  1. Avoid memorizing your speech. Although it’s important to be prepared and rehearse your speech, it isn’t necessary to memorize your speech word for word. If you refrain from trying to memorize a script there’s a lower amount of pressure and less possibly of error.
  • If you know your subject inside and out, you can speak intelligently about it without memorizing a script verbatim.
  1. Visualize yourself being successful when you give your presentation. The human brain is unable to tell the difference between reality and that which is vividly imagined. Spend some time visualizing a successful presentation and it will help you build confidence.

  2. Practice some breathing exercises before you give your presentation. Breathing exercises are an effective way to cope with fear.
  • Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose and into your stomach Then, release it slowly through your mouth. Repeat this process until your heart rate decreases and you feel calm.

Many people try to deal with their fear of public speaking by avoiding it altogether, but that’s an impractical solution. There will probably come a time when you’ll have to get up in front of a group and speak. The only way to truly get past your fear of public speaking is to try it. Start practicing now. It will get easier each time you do it.

A Foolproof Formula for Doubling Your Confidence

A Foolproof Formula for Doubling Your Confidence

Confidence is a state of mind, and it’s something that you can build up if you feel like your supply is running low. When you believe in yourself, you feel more secure, and you enjoy greater success.

Most of us have times in our life when fears and doubts undermine our faith in ourselves. You may experience setbacks that leave you feeling helpless. It’s also natural for confidence to fluctuate from day to day or vary from one area of your life to another.

There are concrete actions you can take to empower yourself. Study these tips to put together a foolproof formula for doubling your confidence.

Practice Self-Care:

  1. Eat healthy. Nourish your body and maintain your energy by choosing nutritious whole foods. Limit your consumption of sugar and salt. Eat more vegetables, legumes, and nuts.
  2. Exercise regularly. Physical activity strengthens your body and mind, enhances your body image, and boosts your mood. Find a variety of activities suitable for your fitness level. Find a workout buddy to join you.
  3. Sleep well. Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night to function well. Establish a regular bedtime and stick to it as closely as possible even on weekends and holidays.
  4. Dress up. Do you like what you see in the mirror? Select clothing that flatters your figure. Try a new hairstyle or visit a makeup counter for suggestions.
  5. Clean house. Your surroundings can affect your confidence. Fight anxiety by clearing away clutter and maintaining a tidy home.
  6. Seek support. Self-confidence comes from within, but you can surround yourself with family and friends who reinforce your positivity. Confide in loved ones who give you constructive feedback and encouragement.
  7. Manage stress. You look more confident when you’re calm. Spend time each day engaging in relaxation practices like meditation or listening to music.
  8. Have fun. Do things you enjoy. It will help you to discover your strengths and express your creativity. Play with your children or take up a new sport.

Add to Your Achievements:

  1. Set goals. Create meaningful goals that give you something to strive for. Make them specific and realistic for you. Write them down and post them some place where you can see them.
  2. Give back. Cultivating a sense of gratitude will motivate you to contribute to your community. As you share your blessings, the world will seem safer and friendlier.
  3. Stop procrastinating. Do you have a project that you’ve been putting off? Break it down into smaller stages and take a first step. You’ll start building momentum and accelerate your progress.
  4. Change a habit. Pick one thing you want to change. You could start by correcting your posture or drinking more water.
  5. Study and practice. Increasing your competence can make your confidence soar. Commit yourself to lifelong learning. Read books and take courses online. Become a member of your local museum. Practice an enriching hobby like playing the piano or growing organic vegetables.
  6. Learn from experience. Disappointments are inevitable, but they don’t have to shake your faith in yourself. Take pride in putting forth effort and having the courage to go beyond your comfort zone.
  7. Think positive. Notice the happy events in your life and look on the bright side of difficult situations. Focus on solutions when you run into trouble. Talk to yourself like a cherished friend with messages that comfort and inspire you.

Healthy confidence is about trusting your ability to handle what comes your way. Take control of your life by making your wellbeing a top priority and working consistently toward your goals.

It’s Time to Overcome Fear and Self-Doubt

A 7-Step Process to Overcome Fear and Self-Doubt


Fear and self-doubt are two things that every normal person faces. These are also two of the biggest obstacles to success and happiness.

Some people feel more fear and self-doubt than others. And, some are better at overcoming these emotions than others.

Regardless of where you fall on the fear/self-doubt spectrum, there are many things you can do to rise above these emotions.

Conquer your fear and self-doubt with this process:

1. Identify what you’re actually afraid of. What do you really fear? Most of us don’t have to worry about being eaten by tigers. Our lives are rarely in danger. The most common fears in a modern society are failure and making a fool out of one’s self. Of course, there are others.

  • If you want to start a business, but can’t seem to get started, what is your real concern?
  • Maybe you want to ask out a coworker on a date. What is the real fear? They certainly aren’t going to hit you over the head with a rock.
  • Be aware of your actual fear, and then you’ll have a chance of addressing it.

2. Find situations related to your fear that are only mildly uncomfortable. Perhaps you have a fear of public speaking. What could you do that’s similar, but less terrifying? You could:

  • Give a speech to a group of friends
  • Start conversations with strangers
  • Visualize yourself giving a speech
  • Do more group activities and speak up more
  • If you’re afraid of heights, you could start by looking down over a 2nd floor balcony and slowly work your way up to greater heights.

3. Take action. Thinking creates and magnifies fear. Taking action lessens fear. One of the best ways to get over fear is to immediately take action before you have a chance to talk yourself out of it.

  • Most people would be more successful, happier, and less afraid if they thought less and did more.

4. Visualize yourself being unafraid. Imagine you have a twin that’s similar to you, but different in other ways. If you could build the perfect twin, what would they be like? What skills, beliefs, and attitudes would they have? How would they handle the situation that creates fear in you?

  • Allow yourself to become that twin.

5. Give yourself small successes. Set yourself up to win. Make the game so easy that you can’t fail. As you gain confidence, up the stakes a little. Get used to being successful in the situations that cause you to feel fear.

  • If the thought of making 100 cold calls a day makes you break out in a cold sweat, give yourself the goal of making just one cold call. The next day, you can do three.
  • Show yourself that you can do it. Show yourself that nothing bad is going to happen to you.

6. Be realistic. What is the worst consequence you are likely to endure if the thing you fear comes true? It’s probably not anything you can’t handle!

  • What happens if the publisher rejects your book? What if your speech doesn’t go well? What’s actually going to happen to you? Will you still be safe? Will your family still love you?

7. Get help. Whether you need some help from a friend or a professional, there’s no shame in getting help. You would get help if your car’s engine blew up. You’d get help if you had a broken leg. Get the help you need to deal with your fears.

How much do you allow fear and self-doubt to rule your life? Imagine what your life would be like if you could overcome all of your fears and self-doubt.

Most people avoid the actions that trigger these uncomfortable feelings. You can do better. You can act in the face of these emotions and live your life to the fullest.

Free Yourself From Fears With Healthy Alternatives

Free Yourself From Fears With Healthy Alternatives


Having fears is a natural part of life. However, when you allow a fear to alter the way that you live your life or the relationships you have with others, the fear becomes an unhealthy burden.

Below are two examples of common fears and scenarios of healthy and unhealthy reactions.

Fear #1: The Straying Partner

You fear that your partner is cheating on you. Even though you have no proof, you’re convinced because you’ve gained a considerable amount of weight.

Facing your fear:

In this example, you can overcome your fear by understanding that the fear is really a byproduct of your personal insecurities, rather than your partner’s disloyalty.

  1. Healthy reaction: Rather than accusing your partner of straying, ask them whether they’re unhappy with your weight gain. Communicate that you’re feeling self-conscious about your looks. Enroll in a weight loss program to boost your self-esteem.
  • This is a healthy reaction because you’re addressing the true issue, which is your newfound insecurity. Nothing in your partner’s behavior has changed; the only change in your relationship might be your self-esteem.
  1. Unhealthy reaction: You start riffling through your partner’s belongings and spying on their cell phone call logs, emails, and Facebook interactions. You discreetly drive by their workplace at lunchtime. Even after finding nothing, you continue to invade their space because you’re sure they’ll eventually slip up.
  • Clearly, this reaction is unhealthy because you’re allowing your insecurities to take over your life. You feel badly about your body image, and you’re subconsciously sabotaging your relationship by wrongfully accusing your partner.
  • If you wrongfully accuse your partner of straying, they’ll likely become upset that you’re giving your insecurities the power to tarnish their character. This wrongful accusation may lead to distance in your relationship and potentially irreparable damage.

Fear #2: The Concerned Parent

You fear losing your children. You love your children so much and shudder at the thought of your life without them. Thoughts of tragedy cross your mind from time to time.

Facing your fear:

In this example, you can face your fears head on by realizing that it’s impossible to shield your children from the world. Rather than stopping them from enjoying life, you can do everything within your power to ensure safe enjoyment.

  1. Healthy reaction. Ensure that your children know standard safety precautions, such as crossing the street with an adult and never talking to strangers. Have an extensive chat with other parents before allowing your children to spend the night at a friend’s home.
  • Every parent is concerned with his or her children’s safety. However, it’s important to understand that you can’t shield your children from the world. So, rather than tucking them away for yourself, allow them to experience life and do your best to ensure their safety.
  1. Unhealthy reaction: You choose to protect your children by refusing to trust anyone with their safety. You ensure that the only friends your children keep are cousins, family friends, and neighbors that you know closely. You limit your children’s experiences of the outside world because you fear that something bad will happen to them.
  • Keeping your children from making friends can cause social and emotional damage. Limiting their experiences also limits their ability to experience the successes that can grow their self-esteem.

Everyday fears have the ability to affect how you live your life. By conquering your fears rationally and maturely, you increase your quality of life. Face your fears in productive ways that move you closer to the happiness you deserve.

I Am Courageous and Overcome My Fears – Affirmations

I Am Courageous and Overcome My Fears

Use these affirmations and start beating your fears.

  1. Like everyone, I have fears. However, I am able to deal with my fear and anxiety effectively. I pride myself on being able to look fear in the eye and take action.
  2. I refuse to allow fear to rule my life. I actively pursue my goals and overcome any fear that stands in my way.
  3. When I am afraid, I know that something worthwhile lies on the other side of that fear. My courage and curiosity can overpower any fear I might have.
  4. The more courageous I am willing to be, the more my life expands. I view any fear as a challenge that tests my courage. I welcome fear. I welcome the challenge.
  5. Each fear I overcome makes me more resistant to fear. Each fear I overcome allows me to successfully deal with even larger fears in the future.
  6. I know that change and fear often travel together. When I want to make a positive change in my life, I know that fear must be overcome. I have the courage to make positive changes to my life. I have the courage to manage negative changes, too.
  7. Today, I face my fears head on. I am ready to take action and to change my life for the better. I am courageous and overcome my fears.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is the most significant fear in my life? How does the fear limit me?
2. What are some fears I have successfully overcome in the past?
3. Who is the most courageous person I know? What makes them courageous?

Do You Really Want to Change? Do You?…

Do You Really Want to Change


Believe it or not, it is not only possible, but quite common for someone to consciously convince themselves that they want change in their life, but subconsciously put all their effort into keeping everything exactly the same as it is right now.

They even go through all the motions of starting a new project, enlist help, buying software, having a website built, creating all kinds of marketing text and tools, only to consistently find some insurmountable challenge when it gets close to a start date that prevents them from following through.

Why would anyone do that?


Fear is the prime reason that most people don’t follow through.

Fear of what?

  • Fear of success
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of what others might think, say, or do
  • Or all of the above

They are unhappy, unmotivated, and unfulfilled. They know exactly what they need to do, but never manage to get it done. They are often solitary individuals who have lots of friends and contacts, but, in reality, they live their life almost entirely in their own heads.

This vicious circle of starting and then stopping, over and over again, can cause them to have low confidence, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression, which reinforces their overwhelming desire to keep everything the same, no matter how good a new future might look.

Does this scenario describe you? If so, what can you do about it?

Is There a Solution?

One of the best ways to break this pattern is to help someone less fortunate than yourself. Perhaps try charitable work or something similar, where people depend on your help, energy, and support, and you know it.

In this charitable work, consider how you have a responsibility to others where you cannot possibly let down those who depend on you. That way, you are not working for your own personal rewards, but for someone who cannot possibly fulfill their ambitions on their own.

The feeling you get from helping others is so strong, so compelling, that your personal anxiety diminishes and your self-esteem rises in direct proportion to each other.

You’ll enjoy strong feelings of accomplishment and, in turn, fulfillment. You’ll find yourself in a place of happiness that you’ve never experienced before, and you really like it.

Make a Decision and Take Action

Through practical experience, you’ll come to realize that when you make a decision and take action, you move forward. You’ll recognize that you only have one life, and you can live it best and most fully by making decisions and taking action.

You’ll also acknowledge that doing things for someone else allows you to fully engage your talents in a way that you could never have experienced while just working for yourself.

When you find purpose in all that you do, you will also realize that the fear evaporated long ago, and now you can actually feel a sense of pride in your work that was never there before.

Through helping others, you’ll come to understand that it doesn’t even matter if you make a wrong decision or take a wrong action. You can always make another decision and take another action and correct it.

The most important thing is that you keep making decisions and taking action. It’s the only way to effect change in anything.

The biggest changes will be the ones you experience yourself, but it may still take others to point them out. You are so talented, and you have no idea how gifted you really are, until you see other peoples’ lives improved because of your actions.

That’s when you’ll get to see your true, authentic self show up in your smile as you look forward to finally being able to start creating the future you desire.

Your Ego – What’s Fear Got to Do With It

Your Ego – What’s Fear Got to Do With It


Are you aware that your ego loves fear? In fact, it thrives on fear, stress, and anxiety. However, holding on to fear prevents you from growing as a person and finding true happiness.

But it’s not your ego’s fault. It’s just trying to protect you!

So what’s a person to do?

Learn more about this surprising revelation:

1. What is the ego? The ego is part of your being. It reacts to the outside world and shapes how you see it. Your ego controls how you view yourself in relation to others. However, it’s important to note that you can master this.

2. Notice the ego self-talk. The self-talk can be both positive and negative.

  • * You may see the ego come through in statements such as I’m not good enough or smart enough. On the other hand, you may see it in thoughts such as I’m perfect, capable, or beautiful.
  • The ego uses “I” and “me” in these self-talk conversations.

3. Pay attention to fear. Since the ego is connected to the outside world and how you view yourself, fear is a prominent part. You may be afraid to look foolish. You may be scared to do something new. You may fear talking to others.

  • Your ego is fragile, so it can get hurt easily. For example, someone may say something that hurts your feelings. You immediately shut down and don’t want to talk to this person again. This is your ego in action. You’re hurt and scared of hearing them say something negative again.
  • It’s beneficial to recognize the fear, learn to adjust it, and work through it.

4. Understand psychological fear. In some situations, fear is necessary and can preserve you. However, the fear that comes from your ego is psychological and not necessary.

  • Fear of the unknown or being in a dark alley is normal. This is your gut trying to save you from a dangerous situation.
  • On the other hand, fear of talking to a safe crowd at a conference is your ego talking. Psychological fear can be damaging, intrusive, and distracting. It can lead to anger and resentment.

5. Recognize fear and worry. Fear and worry often appear together. Fear can lead you to anxiety. The two are linked, so it’s hard to separate them.

* However, if you recognize that worry is the real issue, then fear won’t have a chance to take over. You can control how much you worry, so fear doesn’t have a chance to stop you.

6. Learn to be present. By learning to be present and observing your fear from a distance, you can control it. Awareness is the key to conquering fear created by the ego. Once you’re aware of how your ego is creating fear and anxiety, then you can observe it and learn to shape it.

  • You have the power to stop the fear in your mind. It’s important to remember that all the negative scenarios in your head don’t have to happen in real life. They can stay as imaginary issues. They may never materialize or cause you heartache.

Fear doesn’t have to take over your life. You can learn to master it and be happy.

11 Powerful Ways to Overcome Fear and Anxiety

11 Powerful Ways to Overcome Fear and Anxiety


One of the curses of being able to think and reason is the ability to feel fear and anxiety, even when neither are warranted. Fear and anxiety can serve as helpful cues that there may be a situation that deserves caution, but after this is accomplished, they actually cause more harm than good.

You create your own fear and anxiety. You can also create your own peace and serenity.

Choose to minimize the effects of fear and anxiety in your life:

  1. Breathing is the fastest way to derail fear and anxiety. When faced with fearful thoughts or situations, we begin breathing quickly and shallowly. This begins a cascade of physiological events that result in feelings of fear and anxiety. It’s possible to circumvent this process by breathing deeply and slowly. *Try breathing quickly and shallowly for 60 seconds and see how you feel. Now try breathing slower and deeper. Notice the differences.
  2. Act normally. Continue behaving as you would if there were nothing to fear. You can communicate to the fearful part of yourself that everything is okay. If you can act as if everything is fine, your brain will begin to believe it.
  3. Spend time with supportive friends and family. A night on the town can work wonders to relieve stress and anxiety. A long, meaningful talk over a cup of coffee can be very beneficial.
  4. Have positive expectations. Fear and anxiety are the result of expecting the worst. When you expect the best, you can’t feel afraid. You’ll feel excited instead.
  5. Start small. Afraid of spiders? Look at photos of small, harmless spiders until you feel calm and relaxed.
  6. Let it go. It’s common for fear and anxiety in one part of your life to bleed over into other parts of your life. A rough morning meeting with the boss could ruin the rest of your day if you let it. Once the event is over, decide to let it go and move on.
  7. Sweat. The chemicals that your body releases during times of fear and anxiety can last quite a while. One easy way to get rid of them is to exercise. Work up a sweat and watch your fear and anxiety melt away. This is also a much healthier way to deal with unpleasant feelings than drugs, alcohol, or overeating.
  8. Reward yourself. After dealing successfully with a challenging situation, celebrate. This will help teach your brain that these stressful situations have a positive outcome. Buy yourself something small or do something enjoyable. Anything that puts you in a good mood is a good choice.
  9. Take action. If you’re worried, do something to resolve the source of your worry. By taking action, you’re taking responsibility. You also become more focused on your plan, which takes your mind away from your worries. The more you do to resolve the situation, the less fear and anxiety you’ll feel.
  10. Distract yourself. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do about the situation. In those cases, distractions can provide relief. Ensure that your distractions are positive, such as reading something beneficial or getting some exercise. At the very least, avoid distractions that are unhealthy or lead to additional challenges.
  11. Use positive affirmations. Keep your mind focused on positive thoughts by saying positive things to yourself. How you talk to yourself affects your mood and experience.

Fear and anxiety can be crippling if allowed to go too far. There are many techniques for minimizing these negative emotions. Those that feel fear and anxiety on a regular basis are experts at generating these feelings.

Become an expert at generating feelings of peace and comfort, instead. It just takes practice.