The Miracle of Small Wins – Get Better Today

The Miracle of Small Wins - Get Better Today


The pay off of small wins can be HUGE! Scientist and experts agree that major inspiration happens with the smallest of victories.

Have you heard of the progress principle? Researchers at Harvard Business School conducted a multi-year study of what makes employees happy and productive. They found that reaching progress on meaningful work daily was the most crucial factor by far.

Take a look at the general principles behind this foolproof formula for success, along with practical examples about how you can apply a small wins strategy to your life.

General Principles Behind Small Wins

  1. Keep a journal. Writing in a journal will help you recognize and celebrate miniature milestones that you might otherwise overlook. You’ll also be able to track your progress and understand the conditions that affect your performance. 
  2. Create catalysts. According to the Harvard team, there are two kinds of actions that encourage small wins. The first, catalysts, are related to how you work. Set clear goals, budget your time and resources, and practice open communications. 
  3. Seek nourishers. The second kind of action is called nourishers, and refers to interpersonal support. Surround yourself with friends and colleagues who provide validation and constructive feedback. Participate in groups that share your interests, whether it’s a faith community or professional association.
  4. Set intermediate goals. Lofty goals can be overwhelming. Break any project down into tiny tasks. You’ll feel invigorated each time you check something off your to-do list. 
  5. Learn from setbacks. The flipside of small wins is the discouragement that can follow running into an obstacle. Acknowledge your feelings. Turn mistakes into valuable lessons. 

Practical Examples of Small Wins Strategies

  1. Eat more vegetables. Sticking to a healthy diet may be easier than you think when you focus on only one change at a time. Work your way up to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Mix spinach into your eggs at breakfast. Snack on baby carrots and hummus.
  2. Cut down on sugar. If you like sweetened coffee, use half your usual amount of sugar. The savings will add up.
  3. Go to bed on time. Adequate sleep keeps your body and mind in top condition. You’ll probably accomplish more even if you shorten your waking hours. 
  4. Exercise for 5 minutes. Are you tired of lapsed gym memberships? You’ll be exercising for more than a half hour by the end of the week if you start with 5 minutes and add just 5 minutes a day to your home workouts. 
  5. Memorize a few lines. Maybe you’d like to speak Russian or recite poetry, but your busy schedule gets in the way. Ty practicing just 5 vocabulary words or one stanza a day. 
  6. Extend your network. Whatever you do for a living, networking is essential. Introduce yourself to a new contact or reconnect with a former colleague. 
  7. Dazzle a customer. Similarly, you can make any work more meaningful by focusing on those who use your products or services. Give someone a sneak peek at your new line and ask for their feedback. 
  8. Listen to your child. Show your child how much you love them by giving them your full attention. Empathize with their struggles in Algebra or congratulate them on making the soccer team. 
  9. Surprise your spouse. Brighten your partner’s day with a fun surprise. Take out the garbage when it’s their turn. Put a love note in their briefcase or pick up a carton of their favorite ice cream on your way home from work. 

Grand visions are the sum of many small wins that help you translate your dreams into action. Taking a small step forward each day will bring you success and happiness.

5 Tips for Conquering Your Fear of Public Speaking

5 Tips for Conquering Your Fear of Public Speaking


Many studies have found that a fear of public speaking is the number one fear of people in North America. Even the fear of death comes in second behind public speaking.

For some, this fear is something they just have to work through. Maybe they can give the occasional presentation, but it’s an incredibly tense and difficult experience. For many, the fear of public speaking is so great that it has a significant impact on their lives.

Some people will avoid taking certain classes in college to avoid public speaking. Many choose a career path that doesn’t involve getting up in front of a group.

If your fear of public speaking is so great that it results in avoidance and affects the choices you make in your life, it may be time to find a strategy to overcome it.

Implement these tips and begin conquering your fear of public speaking:

  1. Start small. When it comes to public speaking, the bigger the crowd the bigger the fear. If you practice speaking in front of a small group of friends and family, it can help you build the confidence you need to speak in front of larger groups.

  2. Preparation is key. Do you fear public speaking because you’re afraid you’ll forget what you want to say and look foolish? Ensure that doesn’t happen by being prepared
  • Before your speech or presentation, organize all of the information you want to cover. This may include creating a PowerPoint presentation or other visual aids in addition to your prepared speech.
  • Spend some time practicing. By rehearsing, you can ensure you include everything you want to talk about, avoid forgetting any important points, and become more comfortable.

  1. Avoid memorizing your speech. Although it’s important to be prepared and rehearse your speech, it isn’t necessary to memorize your speech word for word. If you refrain from trying to memorize a script there’s a lower amount of pressure and less possibly of error.
  • If you know your subject inside and out, you can speak intelligently about it without memorizing a script verbatim.
  1. Visualize yourself being successful when you give your presentation. The human brain is unable to tell the difference between reality and that which is vividly imagined. Spend some time visualizing a successful presentation and it will help you build confidence.

  2. Practice some breathing exercises before you give your presentation. Breathing exercises are an effective way to cope with fear.
  • Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose and into your stomach Then, release it slowly through your mouth. Repeat this process until your heart rate decreases and you feel calm.

Many people try to deal with their fear of public speaking by avoiding it altogether, but that’s an impractical solution. There will probably come a time when you’ll have to get up in front of a group and speak. The only way to truly get past your fear of public speaking is to try it. Start practicing now. It will get easier each time you do it.

Master Emotional Intelligence

Master Emotional Intelligence eBook Cover

Learn how to master your emotional intelligence and take  the path to becoming unstoppable in every area of your life. Once you put these steps into play, you can truly become and have everything you’ve ever wanted.

In fact, here’s exactly what we’ll cover in this incredible free eBook:

Chapter 1: What Having High Emotional Intelligence Can Do for You. There are numerous advantages you’ll enjoy from increasing your emotional intelligence.

Chapter 2: The 5 Components of Emotional Intelligence. Most experts agree there are five primary pieces to the emotional intelligence puzzle.

Chapter 3: How to Master Self Awareness. You’re not nearly as self-aware as you think.

Chapter 4: Self-Regulation. How much control do you have over your thoughts, emotions, and actions? Learn how you can develop more.

Chapter 5: Become a Master of Focus. Ability to focus is an important skill. If you can’t focus, you’ll struggle to get anything done.

Chapter 6: Motivation. Are you motivated intrinsically or extrinsically?

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My Body Is Healthy, Whole, and Strong – Affirmations

My Body Is Healthy, Whole, and Strong - Affirmations


Are you experiencing anxiety about your health during these stressful times? Use these affirmations and start feeling better today. Read these affirmations throughout the day to relieve your health anxiety. Make sure to save or even print this page.

I am grateful that my body is healthy, whole, and strong.

  1. A healthy, whole, and strong body is a priority for me. I am grateful to have a healthy body. My life is better, fuller, and richer because health, diet, and fitness are my priorities. My body is getting healthier each day in every way.
  2. I strive to increase my overall health. I accomplish this by focusing on a nourishing diet and avoiding unwholesome habits. I have a healthy lifestyle that supports both my physical and emotional well-being.
  3. I get enough sleep each night to rejuvenate my mind and body and prepare them for the rigors of a new day.
  4. I exercise on a regular basis to build strength and endurance. I follow my regular workout schedule religiously. I enjoy working out and my fitness routine pleases me. I am usually free of injury because my body heals quickly and easily.
  5. My body is a gift that I care for to the best of my ability. I know that I only get one chance to take great care of my body, so I avoid damaging it.
  6. I see my physician regularly and whenever else it becomes necessary. I follow whatever advice I am given. I like and trust my physician. We have an excellent relationship. My physician is knowledgeable and he provides excellent medical care.
  7. Today, I am creating a body that is healthy in every way. I make healthy decisions that ensure my well-being and vitality. I am grateful that my body is healthy, whole, and strong. I feel truly blessed.

 Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Which of my health concerns still need to be addressed?
  2. What unhealthy habits can I change?
  3. How would my health change for the better if I made it more of a priority?

I Commit to Personal Growth – Affirmations

I Commit to Personal Growth – Affirmations

I know it is important for me to be vigilant about improving my game. I stay consistent and persistent in achieving my goals. I stay on target.

I find ways to take my determination to new heights. I find positive people to keep me motivated. I relinquish outdated forms of motivation to get ahead of the game.

I recognize that in this New Game of Life, I need to be “all in”. I stay present with the trends and get out ahead of them. I take the reins of leadership in my hot little hands.

Just as in video games, where the players keep going up to higher levels, I keep my eye on the prize. My goals are within reach. I am positively motivated from within.

I read about the latest and greatest leaders in my field. I study what makes them tick. I try some of the same success strategies to see if they can work for me, too.

I use my time wisely. I make the most of every moment. I follow people who uplift me. I then, in turn, lift others.

In order to be a top performer in my field, I ensure that my body is in tip top shape. I eat foods that nourish my body and mind. My mind is sharp as a tack. I am on top of my game.

As I keep raising the bar for myself, I become a peak performer.

I rise to every occasion. I surprise myself with my incredible stamina. I am determined. I am strong-willed. I have everything it takes to do better than my previous best.

Today, I am proof that personal growth is a life-long legacy.

Self-Reflection Questions:


  1. What is one step I can take today to personally grow?
  2. What books can I read to help me grow?
  3. How can my legacy inspire others?

I Am the Hero of My Own Journey – Affirmations

I Am the Hero of My Own Journey - Affirmations

Use these affirmations to become the hero of your journey.

I am the hero of my own journey.

I am grateful for the knowledge of the Hero’s Journey. I am truly blessed to have education around this model. Now that I am armed with this information, I can go on a conscious life quest.

I realize that I have been on my journey my whole life. Now I can look back and see the blessings of all lessons along the way.

I forgive myself for mistakes in the past. I realize they were only “missteps.”

Even though I have gotten stuck in the mire in those swamps of the past, I am proof now that I can survive anything. I am tough.

I have ventured into the dark night of the Soul and lived to see the light.

I have gone into scary caves and found the treasure trove of digging deep into my spirit and finding strength I didn’t know I had.

Having gone through tough times, I have come out triumphant.

Now that I am a Conscious Hero of my life, I can choose my path from a place of wisdom.

I check in with my heart first, as it is the compass of my Soul. I set my sight on my North Star and with the determination of a racehorse, I move swiftly toward my goal. I am immune to distractions.

Today, I gain wisdom and strength along my journey and share the boon with my fellow travelers.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What can I do today to be conscious of my hero’s quest?
  2. How can I turn the travails of my life into treasures?
  3. Who do I want as my trusted companions on my journey?

How Self-Reflection Can Make You Happier and More Successful

Self-Reflection Can Make You Happier


Self-reflection seems to be a dying art. People either feel they don’t have the time or that it’s a waste of time. Others are afraid to take a good, long, hard look at themselves. This is a mistake, because there is so much to be gained by examining yourself and your past.

Self-reflection provides many advantages that can make life easier:

1. You learn about yourself. Most people are shockingly low in self-awareness. Some people are too busy, or at least they think they are. Others would prefer to distract themselves rather than spend one second in self-reflection.

  • However, there’s much to be learned by taking a few minutes each day and reviewing your day, the choices you made, the positives and the negatives.
  • When you know yourself, you can make better plans that utilize your strengths and avoid your weaknesses.
  • Recognizing your weaknesses and dealing with them is powerful. You can stop shooting yourself in the foot over and over.

2. You learn from your past. If you look at the biggest mistakes you’ve made over your life, you’ll find they’re surprisingly similar. You may have either spent money you couldn’t afford, got involved with someone you shouldn’t, or made poor decisions to get away from stressful situations.

  • If you’ve never taken the time to review these mistakes, you’ve repeated them.
  • Reviewing the past can also help you to identify what works, and then you can advantageously repeat those actions.

3. Take intelligent, thoughtful action. Many people are very action-oriented and avoid “wasting” time on thinking too much. Rather than just jumping in with both feet, it can be incredibly helpful to spend some time thinking and strategizing.

  • Reflect on what you actually want to accomplish for yourself. Ask yourself a few questions and use the answers wisely.

Graham Gibbs is an academic that studies self-reflection. He developed a six-step process to aid in self-reflection. This process can be used as a guide to help you get the swing of things.

Use Mr. Gibbs’ process to examine your past and present:

  1. What happened? This is simple enough. Describe the event to yourself. “I dropped out of college.”
  2. What was I thinking and feeling? What were you thinking at the time? What did you think afterwards? “I was stressed and failing. I felt a sense of relief when I first dropped out, but then I felt a sense of dread and felt lost.”
  3. What was good or bad about the experience? “I gained free time and my stress was relieved. But, now I don’t have a plan for my future and my job prospects are much more limited.”
  4. How does this affect the various parts of my life? What does it say about me? “My personal and career development is stifled. My significant other is upset with me and threatening to leave. My parents kicked me out of the house and told me to find a job. This suggests that I am impulsive and handle stress poorly.”
  5. What else could I have done? “ Talked to a friend. Spoken to my professors. Sought professional help. Learned meditation or yoga. Lightened my course load.”
  6. If this happened again, how would I handle it? “I would consider the long-term implications instead of just the short. I would get the help I need. I wouldn’t consider quitting to be a viable option.”

Self-reflection is a useful tool that’s free to learn and apply. Imagine being able to leverage your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and avoid repeating your mistakes.

You can make good use of those painful events from your past. Spend a few minutes each day and apply a little self-reflection. You’ll be happy with the results.

5 Ways to Master Your Mind

5 Ways to Master Your Mind Image


It depends on whose numbers you want to believe, but roughly 95% of our behavior is beyond our conscious awareness. Your subconscious files away your memories, experiences, perceptions, and insights and maintains them far beyond the recollection of your conscious mind.

These past experiences and revelations have a tremendous impact on your beliefs, habits, and general behavior.

Programming the subconscious mind is a powerful tool for altering behavior!

Using these strategies will help you program your mind to benefit your mind, body, and soul:

1. Affirmations. Everyone is familiar with affirmations. These are positive statements that you repeat to yourself each day. Affirmations can be powerful, but they must be used correctly:

  • Avoid affirmations that are clearly untrue. Your subconscious is flexible, but it’s not willing to seriously consider the ridiculous. Repeating, “I am a billionaire,” is too factually untrue to be accepted by your subconscious. “My financial situation is improving rapidly” is easier to swallow.
  • Use imagery and emotions to really sell it. See yourself as thin, financially successful, or selling your first novel. Generate the same emotion you would have in that situation.
  • Repeat your affirmations 3 sessions per day for 5-10 minutes each. Right before falling asleep, right after awakening, and any opportune time during the day are ideal times. For example, if you want to strengthen your confidence, repeat the affirmations when you’re feeling self-doubt.

2. Subliminal technology. There is software available that flashes subliminal messages on your computer screen. These programs can run all day long without your awareness. You can use the affirmations included with the software or write your own.

  • There are also audio programs with positive messages embedded in the music beyond your ability to consciously recognize.
  • There’s a lot of controversy surrounding the usefulness of these programs. Since so many are available for free, there’s no harm in giving them a try for a month. See what happens.

3. Hypnosis. You’ve been hypnotized many times. You probably just didn’t view it as hypnosis. When you’re totally engrossed in a book or movie, you’re hypnotized.

  • Hypnosis is just a state of intense concentration with reduced awareness of what is happening in your immediate environment. In this state, you’re more suggestible. In other words, it’s easier to influence you or to change your mind.
  • There are many books, audio programs, and videos that utilize hypnotic techniques. Many people find these highly effective, while others seem less impressed. Again, give it a try and determine if it’s worth your time.

4. Meditation. Meditation is a great way of concentrating your focus. Meditation creates a mental state that opens the mind to new ideas. Meditation can be learned quite effectively from books and videos. It does require practice to become skilled, so this isn’t a quick fix. 3 Minute Meditation 

5. Visualization. If you’re good at visualizing, you can convince your subconscious of nearly anything. A convincing visualization is viewed by your subconscious as an actual experience. For example, if you visualize yourself giving successful speeches, your subconscious will become convinced this is a skill you possess.

  • Again, the best time to use this process is right before falling asleep and upon awakening in the morning. Visualizing is easier and more effective at those times.

We are only aware of a tiny portion of what our brain is doing at any moment.

Our brains are dealing with far too much information for our conscious mind to process. The brain is controlling body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, digestion, concentrations of various salts, neurotransmitters, hormones, and far more sensory data than we’re aware of.

The same is true for our behavior. In theory, the subconscious mind controls 95% of our behavior. It only makes sense to address this 95%. There are several ways to program the subconscious. Pick one and see what you can accomplish!