5-Minute Guide on How to Speak to Yourself


Do you want to make a big difference with your happiness and success in your life? The way you speak to yourself is a crucial component in achieving what you want in life. You can either create more obstacles in your life, or you can empower your inner self to achieve more in your life.

If you want to have an inner dialogue or relationship with yourself that is successful you must speak to yourself; you must be your best friend.

Your self-speech habits can be re-programmed to obtain different results in your life. Stop convincing yourself that you are inadequate and instead remind yourself that you have the potential to become exactly what you want to be. “Positive” self-speech will build your confidence and will make it possible to persevere in your life.

Learn how to take control of the way you speak to yourself. Try these strategies for becoming a better friend to yourself.

General Principles for Adjusting Your Self-Speech:

  1. Increase your awareness. The first step in changing the way you speak to yourself is becoming more familiar with the way you are speaking to yourself. Many of the messages that you send to yourself are so automatic that they can escape your notice. Keeping a journal may help you to pay more attention.
  2. Plan ahead. Have alternatives ready for the patterns you want to change. Write a list of creative affirmations to replace your old put-downs. You can browse online for ideas or use your own words.
  3. Identify your options. Negative self-speech can destroy your vision. Read self-help books from people that have achieved their goals or observe others to see different ways to respond to conflicts and setbacks.
  4. Depersonalize situations. Do you blame yourself for things that are beyond your control? Most events have multiple causes. You must become aware by taking responsibility for your actions and not beating yourself up.
  5. Develop compassion. Be kind to yourself! Imagine you are speaking to someone you love. Avoid harsh words or insults.
  6. Seek moderation. Distorted self-speech tends to become more exaggerated over the years. Check the accuracy of your statements and stick to the facts.
  7. Be patient. It often takes some time to replace your old conflicts with more constructive wording. You got this. Eventually, your new affirmations will become a reality, natural and authentic.

Specific Strategies for Adjusting Your Self-Speech:

  1. Be present. The only time you can take action is right now. Make sure to keep your self-speech focused in on the present moment instead if rehashing up your past or even trying to anticipate your future.
  2. Speak with your name. When you address yourself by your name it is often more effective than using pronouns. It will encourage you to be more objective and it defines your relationship with yourself.
  3. Look in the mirror. Reinforce your messages by looking yourself in the eye. Repeat affirmations while gazing into a mirror in your bathroom or in your car.
  4. Create reminders. Stay on track by surrounding yourself with cues to speak to yourself with kindness and respect. Spend time with family and friends who boost your spirits. Write inspiring quotes on sticky notes and put them on your office phone or closet door.
  5. Try to speak out loud. Repeat your affirmations out loud when you have privacy. It may be awkward to tell yourself that you’re amazing in the middle of a coffee shop, but you could record a message on your phone that you can listen to anywhere.

When you transform your self-speech you’ll be happier and have a more meaningful life. That friendly voice can be a powerful tool you can use to reduce stress and reaching your goals in your life. Make sure you take the steps necessary to lift yourself up and guide yourself to success.

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